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True, but that doesn't have to be the case.

#Search mac hotkey windows

AHK is Windows centric so will leave it at that. Though I would think to make significant progress, it would likely turn into a fork. Though interestingly, it's not really known how far or what is the limit that somebody could get with AutoHotkey and WINE. An interpreter would be running AutoHotkey in a way similar to how it runs on Windows, where a transpiler would be more specific to creating an application that could run on a different OS. Going the way of the transpiler, would be more about translating the AutoHotkey scripting language into a compiled equivalent into another programming language. Red being more of a wildcard with future potential. Object Pascal also has some AutoHotkey-like automation tools, such as Simba (often use for making bots) and WinAutoKey (so far a bit limited), that can provide example code. C# probably being a bit more easier for those that know C++ to adapt to, where Object Pascal is as almost as close to the hardware as C++, but has more cross-platform friendly tools (Lazarus, FPC, etc.). Preferably one in a more cross-platform friendly language (in terms of tools available), thus the suggestion of C#, Object Pascal, or Red. would have many "landmines", that I believe a person or a group would have no choice but to create a new fork (think IronAHK in C# as an example) or transpiler.Ī person or group would likely have to focus on "translating" the AutoHotkey scripting language (not the C++ source code), and create a new interpreter. The present AutoHotkey C++ interpreter, installer, etc. Though let's keep in mind that the Windows OS still holds a huge user base.

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And because they are so Windows centric, this can result in development choices that makes the AutoHotkey source code even harder to port over to a different OS. WINE has been discussed a number of times on the forums, example- (AHK installer under Linux/WINE).įrom that forum post about the installer, what we are getting is that the present AutoHotkey developers are very Windows centric and lack any motivation to create a cross-platform version of AutoHotkey.

#Search mac hotkey software

Open-source software that provides a Windows runtime enviornment for running applications on Linux and Macs. However, to make this a bit more complicated, there is WINE ( (software). Usually the issues presented about AutoHotkey being on a different OS has been the Windows APIs and Dlls, where the code needs to be different for that OS. The thinking that AutoHotkey code must be married to C++ and Windows, instead of thinking of AutoHotkey as it's own language that could use other interpreters, written in other programming languages. I think the other part of the issue is mindset. C#, Object Pascal, or Red would be good cross-platform candidates as well. I don't know how well Lua works out as a cross-platform language. It's interesting that this isn't being done for AutoHotkey. Many other programming languages make use of such. That sounds like a Transpiler or Source-to-Source Compiler.

#Search mac hotkey mac os

For instance have Lua "interpret" the AHK code by reading regular AHK code and then tranforming it into something Mac OS can understand. I've heard you can do this by translating AHK via another common language, such as Lua. Is it possible to run the same AHK code written for Windows on a Mac by using a different software (e.g.

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